eXtroflatfile generator

eXtroflatfile generator

The eXtroflatfile generator can make your site load faster by creating static HTML files from your content - the full SEF structure of your Joomla based site will however still be retained.
By doing so, the single pages of your site don't have to be created again and again on each site visit, instead, the pre-generated content will be served by the webserver software which will improve your page speed.

This saves a lot of resources, like computing, disk and network usage.

Creating flatfiles is especially useful if your hosting package is slow, or if you intend to deactivate PHP for security reasons.
The HTML files generated by the eXtroflatfile generator can be used without the Joomla CMS (if no login is needed), so you can pre-generate the files and deactivate PHP afterwards.
This is just one example what can be done - the main usage should be to accelerate the site and thus raise the page speed, since the eXtroflatfile generator supports switching back to the dynamic content when the frontend user logs in!

This is very useful if you want a faster site, but your users should still be able to login and e.g. write comments.

The idea behind the eXtroflatfile generator is that webservers serve static files faster than dynamic content which has to be rendered first on every page view.
Now when the content does not change very often, it makes sense to create flatfiles - for this, the site needs to be crawled first.

During this process, the flatfiles will be generated. To reflect changes to the content, these files must be regularly checked for changes - this is done by the 2 different cron jobs for check and recrawl.

The check cron checks the existing flatfiles for changes and re-creates the files with the current content if needed.
The crawl cron crawls the site again to determine whether new menu items have been added.

These crons can be configured to be run automatically in the server, so your static flatfiles are always up to date.

Quick feature overview:
- improves site speed
- reduces resource usage
- creates static files

Unleash the power of your Joomla based website, improve your page speed by using eXtroflatfile generator!