Art Adminer

Art Adminer


Comprehensive database tool in your Joomla! administrator panel
Connect to a database server with username and password or auto-connect to Joomla! database
3 default styles plus ability to add new
Work with databases, tables, records

More Features:

Select an existing database or create a new one
List fields, indexes, foreign keys and triggers of table
Change name, engine, collation, auto_increment and comment of table
Alter name, type, collation, comment and default values of columns
Add and drop tables and columns
Create, alter, drop and search by indexes including fulltext
Create, alter, drop and link lists by foreign keys
Create, alter, drop and select from views
Create, alter, drop and call stored procedures and functions
Create, alter and drop triggers
List data in tables with search, aggregate, sort and limit results
Insert new records, update and delete the existing ones
Supports all data types, blobs through file transfer
Execute any SQL command from a text field or a file
Export table structure, data, views, routines, databases to SQL or CSV
Print database schema connected by foreign keys
Display users and rights and change them
Display variables with links to documentation
Manage events and table partitions

We strongly recommend to protect administrator/components/com_artadminer folder with .htaccess and .htpasswd